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Become a Member

How can I learn more about joining Grace?

Whether you have visited Grace in the past, are curious about our ministry, or are connected to Grace already, we want to invite you to an opportunity to discover what Grace is all about!

Grace 101 can be done with Pastor Howard any time during the year. Email him at pastor.howard@grace-connect.org for more information.

In the process, you will discover what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ connected at Grace. Instruction will cover the basics of what Scripture reveals to us regarding our life, God, and how the two intersect. You will have the opportunity to hear about our ministries; understand what it means to be a family growing in Christ while reaching out in love; be reminded of what Lutheran faith is about; and hear how to plug into what God is doing at Grace and in our community.

Membership Forms

Click here for our Membership Application!

Other Membership Forms:

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