Contact the church office if you would like to schedule a private baptism or a baptism as part of a worship service. If you have not had a child baptized at Grace yet, you will meet with Pastor Howard to talk about the gift of Baptism. If you have already had a child baptized at Grace, please schedule the baptism with the church office.
You can read more about our understanding of Holy Baptism.
Getting married? Congratulations!
Please read our Marriage Policy, Wedding Guidelines and view our Wedding Worksheet.
Marriage Preparation
What does marriage have in store for us? How can we be prepared for a lifetime together? Marriage preparation seeks to prepare you to answer these questions and more. This is a required process for all couples before they are married at Grace. We will explore God’s picture of marriage, communication, finances, and much more as you prepare for this wonderful occasion. Contact the church office for more information.
Funeral services can be arranged through the church office.