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Our Story

We are a church blessed for more than 85 years with the wonderful acts of our gracious God. Through every season, God works through the ministry of Grace Lutheran Ministries.

The Beginning

In June 1933, Grace Lutheran Church was was formally organized. Seeds of faith were planted years before that sprouted a congregation that to this day boldly proclaims the love of Jesus Christ. At this same time, Grace members had a strong desire to start a Christian Day School.

The Start of School Ministry

After 16 years, in June 1949, the congregation resolved to establish a Christian Day School; 30 years later a Christian Day School was built. In the fall of 1963, classes began with 71 children. Grace School was yet another way to share, teach, and proclaim the Gospel.

Recent Developments

In 2008, Grace Lutheran Church celebrated 75 years of sharing Christ. Grace School, with more than 225 children enrolled, celebrated 45 years of teaching and sharing the Gospel message. In 2011, we completed construction on our new church located on Highway Q. This site has our Sanctuary, offices and Commons.

Looking Onward

Future plans include ministry facility expansion at the Cross View Way campus. 

Read more in our book, The History of Grace!