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You Matter Tour™

You Matter Tour™

You Matter Promo (1) image

October 23, 2022

6:15pm – 7:30pm

Location: 12800 N Lake Shore Dr., Mequon, WI 53097

Category: Student Ministry | Coordinator: Christine Young
The You Matter Tour™ is an ongoing, national speaking tour founded by life-issues educator, author, and public speaker Heather Ruesch. The You Matter Tour™ message empowers Christian students with tangible tools that teach them how to live in a way that values every human life; their own first, and that of everyone else around them.
This message is win-some and tactful. Designed to unify audience members, no matter what they’re facing in their lives, it sends out a clear message of hope. Each presentation offers practical life tools to help individuals discern what it looks like to live with dignity for all people, themselves, and everyone around them. The You Matter Tour™ offers participants a renewed perspective on how to understand and cope with the challenges of sexuality, interpersonal relationships, image & identity, anxiety, stress, depression, and the value of every human life; and it’s all grounded in the insurmountable love that God has for every single one of us, proven through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This event is for middle school youth, high school youth, and their parents.
Please park in lots H & J.
We hope to see you there!